Development of the Metaverse for Rodes Technological Park
Year: 2023-2025
The goal of this project is to create a Metaverse of Rodes Technology Park to open new frontiers in the world of virtual reality and provide an amazing experience.
We combine cutting-edge technology with a user-centered approach to provide an immersive and engaging experience. The use of BIM technology, AI with integrated openAI chabot, avatars, virtual reality and NERF scanning techniques will allow users to interact with the space and each other in unique and innovative ways.
This experience will facilitate access to the information of the companies installed in the technology park, through visits in the metaverse and its virtual assistant that integrates openAI technology, a chatbot trained by each company to answer questions and resolve issues facing customers, citizens or other collaborating companies.
The Rodes Urban Technology Park is a boost to the technological transformation of Valencia, its economic sector, and now a living space built on the basis of a building as significant as the original Rodes Hermanos factory, this project will offer the citizens of Alcoy a multifunctional space to meet their cultural and social needs, likewise, the creation of a technological space will attract companies and professionals, as well as promote the interrelationship between them, a space that is committed to digitization, artificial intelligence and robotics, as well as tourism development.
All the models included in this Metaverse project are Digital Twins, an accurate reflection of the real model, thanks to BIM technology that allowed us to feed real-time data into our models, enabling users to access information about each component of the model implemented within the metaverse.

Through the integration between Unreal Engine and ReadyPlayerMe, we were able to offer a more personalized experience, increasing user immersion in the AR environment and helping users navigate and interact with the space. Unreal Engine, developed by Epic Games, is a powerful game engine capable of real-time rendering and impressive graphic power, which, combined with our BIM models, enhances the data and allows direct queries from the platform, facilitating the integration of complex data into virtual environments. On the other hand, ReadyPlayerMe is the platform that allows us to create avatars from photos or manually, focusing on digital identity and user personalization to offer a more intimate and enjoyable experience.
We developed a cloud infrastructure that allows real-time data retrieval from various sensors, such as temperature, air quality and relative humidity. These data are managed and processed in the cloud, facilitating the monitoring of environmental conditions and allowing the deployment of any microservice within this infrastructure, providing flexibility to add new functionalities or services according to the needs of the project.

We implemented an AI-powered chatbot. This AI allows users to interact with the AR environment naturally through conversational language, acting as a guide during their visit and serving as a valuable resource to answer frequently asked questions related to the experience. This enhances immersion.

L’objecte d’aquest contracte és cofinançat pel Fons Europeu de Desenvolupament Regional (FEDER) de la Unió Europea, en el marc del programa del FEDER de Valencia 2021-2027.
Código de expediente: C.1416