Parc Taulí
Year: 2022
Firms: BIM6D + Girona University + Parc Taulí Sabadell (Hospital)
The META4BIM project proposes the development of a new process that allows the incorporation of digitaltwins in a scalable way in the metaverse, for the management of spaces by end users.
Starting from the POWERBIM DigitalTwin platform, a mature SaaS system that integrates BIM digital models with data services in the cloud, it will evolve to offer services for extended use of physical spaces in the metaverse. For this, the META4BIM project must address the investigation of those technologies that are part of the metaverse, those that are already mature and those that are still incipient or with many novelties to be expected in the short term, but that will undoubtedly allow the concept of utility to evolve for the better.
Metaverse conceptualization, often criticized for lacking a connection to reality, for generating content intended for product marketing or empty entertainment, but with the integration of the digitaltwin technology, using BIM models elaborated by architects, engineers, contractors, it will give added value thanks to the creation of new solutions for the metaverse as a service for citizens, end users who will be able to carry out activities in spaces, physically or virtually, using avatars, or receiving a more enjoyable and positive therapy session than that carried out in a standard consultation, designing experiences tailored to the user, especially the most needy and vulnerable.

Avatars (digital twin of people)
Nowadays, the use of avatars is evolving to the concept of the person’s digital twin, where we can incorporate into a digital self all kinds of information related to the person for multiple uses, from medicine and health to their foray into the metaverse. In this project we will study current platforms that are standing out in the use of avatars for the metaverse, to evaluate which would be more convenient for the objective of the project, giving priority to those avatar technologies that allow freedom to create personalized avatars, have an open API that allows us to integrate multiple useful and personalized functionalities into our project, and also those technologies that help users to better transmit emotions and human sensations, since one of the uses that the project pursues is to be able to help disadvantaged sectors such as the case of battered women, through virtual positive psychological sessions in the metaverse, as part of the treatment.

BIM methodology
BIM (Building Information Modelling), collaborative methodology for the creation and management of design, construction, operations and maintenance projects for buildings and infrastructures, where the use of 3D digital models with linked asset information is one of the keys, but also the use of cloud technology (Stage 3 maturity level for digitalization). The way of creating and structuring BIM digital models needs to be adapted to the way in which the metaverse platforms work today, and to achieve this important challenge, we will perform research and development in the topic.
DigitalTwins for buildings and spaces based in BIM: It is a technology with a lot of history, it has been developed first in the industrial sector, has evolved and today is applied to multiple sectors and there are use cases where we can see digitaltwins to simulate complex processes and predict possible failures, operate systems remotely or to analyze multiple data variables in real time with artificial intelligence. With regard to the AECO sector, we are at a good time for the expansion of digital twin technology for buildings and infrastructures.
IoT (internet of things)
The use of the internet of things will be used with digital twin technology, and it will be essential to obtain real-time data from devices and systems in a building, such as temperature sensors, humidity, air quality, noise level, but also obtain multimedia information through cameras and detect incidents in real time if computer vision techniques are applied.
In the metaverse, IoT technology will serve to offer the user real-time information on a multitude of services and systems, to be able to offer secure information and communication channels where information can be exchanged with different protocols. In this project, we will investigate which connectivity protocols will be the most suitable for the metaverse and how we can link this technology with blockchain in a metaverse platform to ensure compatibility.
In the past, blockchains were commonly associated with digital currencies, and Bitcoin in particular. Today, blockchain applications are being explored in many industries as a secure and cost-effective way to create and manage a distributed database and maintain records for digital transactions of all kinds. This opens the doors for the blockchain to also be used in the construction and real estate industry through the registration of operations that can be registered safely, or the generation of Smart contracts as a new way of ensuring the chain of responsibilities. within a complex collaborative process. We will investigate how we can link centralized cloud storage like CDE to decentralized systems and blockchain technology for BIM and DigitalTwins.

We will test our developments in real environment, so we want to let Parc Tauli to be pioneer in the use of metaverse technology to carry out typical activities for professionals and final users in selected spaces, listed below.

Technical maintenance spaces
Technical Inspections in specific spaces with systems and equipment to be maintained in the metaverse, using BIM, LIDAR, IOT, XR technologies.
It seems logical to think that the most appropriate technology to carry out virtual technical inspections would be augmented reality, to obtain relevant information from the systems while on site. But we will explore multiple possibilities to facilitate the technical inspections using last technologies of digitalization.

Training classroom space
Creating meetings, training and work sessions in the Metaverse.
Virtual reality, augmented or mixed, would be ideal for holding meetings or training in the metaverse, even a web interface would be appropriate to access these spaces where the most important thing is to access the content of the sessions and Good communication between teacher and students.

Psychological care space for vulnerable people
In order to offer a fully controlled experience, where the patient user feels comfortable, sensations will have to be worked on, starting with the spaces that can be recreated from scratch in an immersive virtual reality environment, but that can be combined with other elements if necessary, such as interaction with other avatars, whether real or simulated, to lead the patient to a positive experience. These observations are preliminary and will have to be evaluated within the research project, especially in the interviews with the professionals who will participate on behalf of Parc Taulí Hospital.